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Men Men Men

Well we have started 2017 off with a bang !! We have been focusing on our male clients in the past month. For some reason the ladies product in stores took a while to arrive so we booked some male clients to start off spring. The best part about this job is that we get to work with all types of individuals. Over the past month we have shopped with a entrepreneur that owns a successful building maintenance company, a Harvard professor who flies in from Boston, a real estate investor and lastly a super hip new dad. Obviously they all require different looks as they all lead quite different lifestyles. Below are a few of my favourite outfit pics.

*View full image by clicking on any of the outfits below.

We are looking forward to April as we now begin our ladies shops !! Stay tuned.

Alicia Churchill has been image consulting for over 20 years. Highly regarded in her industry, she has helped hundreds of clients dress for success.

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