A new year and a new decade are coming up in less than 24 hrs…
Best Memories of 2016

Wow its hard to believe that 2016 has come to an end, its been a great year!! Its always fun to recap the past 12 months and pick out some of our favorite moments! This year we added quite a few new faces to our client base and had the pleasure of catching up with a few that we have missed. We look forward to 2017 and all the new adventures it will bring.
Favorite Memory #5:

We worked with a new client to Evaluate her Wardrobe this was by far the biggest Closet we have ever seen and took us almost 6 HRS to weed through everything (with 3 of us all working). This closet was packed to the brim; what made this closet stand out was that there were tags on 25 percent of the merchandise!! Once we created the go pile the client was able to return enough of the merchandise for a refund that almost covered the entire cost of our services. Think hard before you make a purchase!! Its money hanging in the closet!
Favorite Memory #4:

We have many clients that we have worked with for 7-8 plus years, sometimes things come up and they miss a season or 2 or in this case some health issues derailed a few shops. It was great to finally catch up after 2 years of not seeing this client; we had a awesome shop and got a chance to introduce her to Nordstrom, which is now her favorite store.
Favorite Memory #3:

We love the Gap for Men's basics. I know many people think that the Gap is passe - not me! We always visit Pacific Centre and the girls there are great, they give us outstanding Customer service! I think we often forget that Gap was the original denim retailer and who doesn't own a Gap denim jacket? Sometimes oldies are goodies and we continue to support them when we can! You cant go wrong with Gap denim Tees and Khakis!!
Favorite Memory #2:

We did a shop in late October with a really loyal client, she had her heart set on purchasing a new everyday black purse and had a few options in her head. We know our clients so well; it turned out we both wanted her to have the Chloe Marcie!! We actually purchased it at Holts and received a 25 percent back GC that we were able to use on a pair of boots. That's why you hire us to save you money and read your mind! She will have this bag for years to come.
Favorite Memory #1:

My fave and at the same time stressful moment is number one arising from when one of our most loyal clients told us she had decided to change professions and was moving to Whistler and needed a whole new casual wardrobe.
At the news I almost fainted, this was our one client that hated casual attire; she has a shoe closet that is the envy of any woman, we are talking Loubs, Jimmy Choo, Manolos, Prada etc. (to purchase denim and casual tops had always been a struggle). We created a whole new Whistler wardrobe and were able to incorporate all her boots... the heels are going to be on vacation for a while but will be back in action in the Spring!
You never know how your day to day life can change in an instant; its important that you have the right people to help you with any transition!
Alicia Churchill has been image consulting for over 20 years. Highly regarded in her industry, she has helped hundreds of clients dress for success.
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