A new year and a new decade are coming up in less than 24 hrs…
The Power of the Presale

How do you get designer deals without the craziness of venturing out on Black Friday? It's called the Pre sale! Most high end retailers like Tory Burch, Holt Renfrew, and The Room are all currently in pre sale mode some starting as early as last Friday! What is Pre Sale? It's awesome, these retailers will either put the items that you wish to purchase at the Black Friday discount price aside for you and ring them through on Friday or some will let you purchase them and take them home! So you don't have to venture out of your house! Depending on the retailer the savings range from 20-50 percent. The nice thing about presale is that if you are on top of it you get first selection of the sale merchandise.I am totally done my Black Friday shopping and have a day to spare.
My advice if you are looking for designer deals take a stroll through the store before Black Friday and if you find something that you like ask the associate if it is eligible for presale? You just may save yourself a lot of time and frustration!
Black FridayDesigner MerchandiseElite ImageElite Image ConsultingFashionPreSaleSalesShoppingstyleVancouver BC
Alicia Churchill has been image consulting for over 20 years. Highly regarded in her industry, she has helped hundreds of clients dress for success.
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